Direct selling, a unique method of distribution from which benefits all sides.
- Opportunity to try and test the products;
- Tailored made demonstration and consultation in a friendly environment;
- Personalized delivery at home;
- Right to withdraw the purchase within a given period (additional protection);
- Direct contact with the seller;
- Guarantee and after sales service;
- Flexible buying hours.
- Possibility to establish and to run own business at minimum cost/low risk;
- Convenient flexible earning opportunities;
- Flexibility to choose working hours;
- Spouses or family members can be partners in business (family business);
- Adjustable opportunities ranging from part-time to full-time activity;
- No formal qualifications required;
- Adequate training and support from companies;
- Large range of products available;
- Social contact and personal recognition.
- The most effective method to enter new market with relatively low cost, especially providing unique products or services;
- Does not require high capital investment;
- Allows to avoid additional intermediaries in distribution, saved money can be invested elsewhere;
- No major previous business experience necessary;
- Requires no specially educated workers;
- Effective in gaining the initial interest and attention of prospective customer – personal touch;
- Particularly effective in the marketing of low-cost consumer goods or products insufficiently known: new products, technically complex products, etc;
- Unique competitive strategy:
– no need for substantial advertising;
– unique in using a socially-based, sales process to attract and retain new customers;
- Creates earning opportunities (mainly part-time) and facilitate economy;
- A channel of distribution away from large retail distribution unities;
- Creates micro-enterprises;
- Introduces self-employment;
- Develops entrepreneurship;
- Contribute to national economic welfare.
- Self-employment opportunities;
- Entrepreneurship;
- No gender, age, ethnicity and disability discrimination;
- Offers alternatives to large outlets.