Service Provider


The program is designed for companies which provide products and/or services to the direct selling industry.

  • Facilitate contacts, exchange of information and cooperation between Services Provider and direct selling companies working in one or more Baltic States markets;
  • Develop a database of contacts among suppliers of products/services to the direct selling industry;
  • Increase EDSA visibility by enlarging the scope of its services.
  • Identifying Service Provider as a part of the direct selling community;
  • Putting Service Provider in touch with a network of industry executives who are valuable and profitable contacts;
  • Increasing effectiveness and experience in relating to Service Provider’s direct selling industry clients;
  • Providing with information that will help Service Provider better understand the direct selling market,- what the needs are today and what they will be in the future;
  • Giving opportunities to exchange ideas with fellow suppliers of products/services as well as with Association staff;
  • Providing opportunities for internal and international expansion;
  • Providing status and responsibility which is assurance of commitment to the direct selling industry.

Companies interested to become Services Provider of EDSA shall submit an application to the Baltic General Secretary; this application will be reviewed by the Board of EDSA at one of its meetings, or by written procedure. The applicant will be informed about the taken decision.

EDSA Service Provider

The highest ethical standards

Best practices for direct sales business

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