Last year the total sales of Estonian Direct Selling Association’s (EDSA) member companies increased by 2,5% and amounted to 33,3 million euros excluding VAT. Meanwhile, the number of people involved in direct sales increased by 1% exceeding thirty-four thousand and five hundred persons.
The New EU Directive on Consumer Rights – 10 Key Changes
Since June 13th in Estonia, as in other European Union member states, will entry into force the new, uniform requirements for consumer rights when buying at a distance selling, i.e. online, by phone, post, and off-premises, for example at home, workplace or at the excursion or demonstration of products organized by the trader (direct selling). This is related with entry into force of provisions of European Parliament and Council Directive 2011/83/EU on Consumer Rights, which was adopted already in 2011. This Directive into Estonian national legislation was transposed last year, while the changes of Consumer Protection Act and Law of Obligation Act will take effect from 13th June, 2014.
Adoption of CR-Directive
On June 23rd the European Parliament took a final vote on the Consumer Rights Directive, which will increase the consumer rights buying through direct selling (away from business premises) and through distance selling. The last formal approval by the Council of Ministers is expected to take place in July. Member States will have a maximum of two years to implement the new rules.